A special workshop at CALCO'09 is dedicated to tools based on algebraic and coalgebraic principles. These include systems/prototypes/tools developed specifically for design, checking, execution, and verification of (co)algebraic specifications, but also tools targeting different application domains but making core or interesting use of (co)algebraic techniques. Tool submissions should be no longer than 5 pages in the LNCS format; the accepted tool papers will be included in the final LNCS proceedings of the conference. The tools should be available on the web for download and evaluation. Each submission will be evaluated by at least three reviewers; one or more of the reviewers will be asked to download and run the tool. At least one of the authors of each tool paper must attend the conference to demo the tool.
Submissions and correspondence are to be sent by e-mail to Grigore Rosu, grosu@cs.uiuc.edu.
March 15 | Tools software and paper submissions due |
March 28 | Author notification |
May 16 | Camera ready due |
September 6 | CALCO-tools |