3rd Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science
September 6-10, 2009, Udine, Italy
Programme Committee
- Luca Aceto, Reykjavik University, IS
- Stephen Bloom, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, USA
- Marcello Bonsangue, Leiden University, NL
- Corina Cirstea, University of Southampton, UK
- Andrea Corradini, University of Pisa, I
- José Fiadeiro, University of Leicester, UK
- Rolf Hennicker, University of Munich, D
- Furio Honsell, University of Udine, I
- Bart Jacobs, University of Nijmegen, NL
- Bartek Klin, University of Warsaw, PL
- Alexander Kurz, University of Leicester, UK (co-chair)
- Stefan Milius, University of Braunschweig, D
- Ugo Montanari, University of Pisa, I
- Larry Moss, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
- Till Mossakowski, DFKI Lab Bremen and University of Bremen, D
- Dirk Pattinson, Imperial College
London, UK
- Dusko Pavlovic, Kestrel Institute, USA
- Jean-Eric Pin, CNRS-LIAFA Paris, F
- John Power, University of Bath, UK
- Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois, Urbana, USA
- Jan Rutten, CWI and Free University, Amsterdam, NL
- Davide Sangiorgi, University of Bologna, I
- Lutz Schröder, DFKI Lab Bremen and University of Bremen, D
- Eugene Stark, State University of New York, USA
- Andrzej Tarlecki, Warsaw University, PL (co-chair)
- Yde Venema, University of Amsterdam, NL
- James Worrell, University of Oxford, UK